As you all were waiting for this unlocking trick for this data card, i have found a simple unlocking method for modems which is being used by most of the internet users now they don’t need to pay high cost for unlocking your modems. just download the software given below and read the instruction given in the .txt file inside the .rar file that you just downloaded.
DC-unlocker is a program specialized for data card unlocking.
It is the first universal data card unlocking product worldwide.
It is fast ( takes 5 - 60 seconds to unlock), easy to use and functional program with clear interface.
It doesn't need any cables or adapters for unlocking. The data card can be simply unlocked in the same notebook where a PCMCIA or Express socket exists.
New models are being added regularly.
No need to select any COM ports, auto detect function.
Free updates.
Download DC UNLOCKER for free
that's it now you can unlock any modem for free
please comment if the software works for you.
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